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John Charles Ryan, PhD

Book Chapters
Sympathy with Plant Intelligence: Thoreau’s Olfactory Encounters with the Botanical World, in J. Finley and K. Case (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Henry David Thoreau (Oxford University Press, accepted for publication)
The Temporality of Titan Arum, in D. Sands and D. Whistler (eds), Plant Humanities: Theory, Art and the Botanic Gaze (Bloomsbury, London, accepted for publication)
Australia, in B. L. Johnson (ed), The Cambridge Handbook of Literature and Plants (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK), in press
Cultivating Botanical Wisdom: Durian Narratives and the Plant Posthumanities, in I. Ribo (ed), Posthuman Southeast Asia: Ecocritical Entanglements Across Species Boundaries (Lexington Books/Bloomsbury, Lanham, MD), in press
Indigenous Hydropoetics: Voicing Rivers through Aboriginal Australian Poetry, in Iftekhar, Hasharina, and Asiyah (eds), Fluid Phenomena: The River and Anthropocene Life-World in the Asia-Pacific (Brill, Leiden, Netherlands), in press
‘Old Trees Hold Memory’: Aboriginal Australian Perspectives on Memory, Trauma, and Witnessing in the Arboreal World, in D. Macauley & L. Pustarfi (eds), The Wisdom of Trees: Thinking Through Arboreality (State University of New York Press, Albany, NY), in press
Making Kin With Plants: Poetry in the Phytosphere, in K. Mondal (ed), Staying Together: Natureculture in a Changing World (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), 73–95 [link]
Phytopoetics: Human-Plant Relations and the Poiesis of Vegetal Life, in J. Fiedorczuk, M. Newell, B. Quetchenbach & O. Tierney (eds), The Routledge Companion to Ecopoetics (Routledge, New York), 117–26 [link]
Literary Ethnobotany in Aboriginal Australia: Oodgeroo Noonuccal’s Poetry as Biocultural Activism, in D. Okocha, M. Yousaf & M. Onobe (eds), Handbook of Research on Deconstructing Culture and Communication in the Global South (IGI Global, Hershey, PA), 36–57 [link]
Passive Flora? Reconsidering Nature’s Agency through Human-Plant Studies (HPS), in S. Osterhoudt & K. Sivaramakrishnan (eds), Sustaining Natures: An Environmental Anthropology Reader (University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA), 277–305 [link]
‘Into the Sap Stream’: Literary Ethnobotany and Human-Plant Intercorporeality in Aboriginal Australian Poetry, in S. Slovic, V. Sarveswaran, & S. Rangarajan (eds), The Bloomsbury Handbook to Medical-Environmental Humanities (Bloomsbury, London), 345–359 [link]
‘If We Return We Will Learn’: Empire, Poetry and Biocultural Knowledge in Papua New Guinea, in R. Chua, H. Hong, J. Santa Ana & X. Zhou (eds), Empire and Environment: Confronting Ecological Ruination in the Asia-Pacific and the Americas (University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI), 94–110 [link]
Introduction: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Nationalism, in D. Biswas, E. Panos, & J. Ryan (eds), Global Perspectives on Nationalism: Political and Literary Discourses (Routledge, London), 1–19 [link]
‘Dressed in Native Trees’: Plants as Figures of Anti-National Resistance in Contemporary Aboriginal Australian Poetry, in D. Biswas, E. Panos, & J. Ryan (eds), Global Perspectives on Nationalism: Political and Literary Discourses (Routledge, London), 243–259 [link]
Introduction: Environment, Media, and Popular Culture in Southeast Asia, in J. Telles, J. Ryan, & J. Dreisbach (eds), Environment, Media, and Popular Culture in Southeast Asia (Springer Nature, Singapore), 1–27 [link]
The Creaturely Plant? Sumatra’s Titan Arum and the Ethics of Botanical Time-Lapse, in J. Telles, J. Ryan, & J. Dreisbach (eds), Environment, Media, and Popular Culture in Southeast Asia (Springer Nature, Singapore), 81–97 [link]
Introduction: Postcolonial Literatures of Climate Change, co-authored with R. McDougall and P. Reynolds, in R. McDougall, J. Ryan and P. Reynolds (eds), Postcolonial Literatures of Climate Change (Brill, Leiden, Netherlands), 1–55 [link]
Islands Within Islands: Climate Change and the Deep Time Narratives of the Southern Beech, in R. McDougall, J. Ryan and P. Reynolds (eds), Postcolonial Literatures of Climate Change (Brill, Leiden, Netherlands), 162–191 [link]
Writing the Lives of Plants: Phytography and the Botanical Imagination, in J. White & G. Whitlock (eds), Life Writing in the Anthropocene (Routledge, New York), 151–173 [link]
Toward a Phen(omen)ology of the Seasons: The Emergence of the Indigenous Weather Knowledge Project, in D. Macauley & L. Fischer (eds), The Seasons: Philosophical and Environmental Perspectives (State University of New York Press, Albany), 113–139 [link]
Introduction: On Becoming Plant-Minded, in J. Ryan, P. Vieira, & M. Gagliano (eds), The Mind of Plants: Narratives of Vegetal Intelligence (Synergetic Press, Santa Fe, NM), xv–xxv [link]
Banyan, in J. Ryan, P. Vieira, & M. Gagliano (eds), The Mind of Plants: Narratives of Vegetal Intelligence (Synergetic Press, Santa Fe, NM), 21–29 [link]
Intelligent Wilderness: Plant Cognition and Shifting Perceptions of the Botanical World, in R. Bartel, M. Branagan, F. Utley & S. Harris (eds), Rethinking Wilderness and the Wild: Conflict, Conservation and Co-existence (Routledge, New York), 165–78 [link]
Kelp, in C. Muir & J. Newell (eds), Living with the Anthropocene: Love, Loss and Hope in the Face of Environmental Crisis (NewSouth Books, Sydney), 187–97 [link]
Seismic, or Topogorgical, Poetry, in E. Magrane, L. Russo, S. de Leeuw & C. Santos Perez (eds.), Geopoetics in Practice (Routledge, New York), 101–16 [link]
Towards Literary Ethnobotany: Burmese Poetry and Biocultural Knowledge of Plants, in K. Maiti & S. Chakraborty (eds), Global Perspectives on Eco-Aesthetics and Eco-Ethics: A Green Critique (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), 227–35 [link]
Narratives of Nettle: Austerity, Nitrophiles, and the Weed Garden as a Locus of Resistance, in N. Milthorpe (ed), The Poetics and Politics of Gardening in Hard Times (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), 59–76 [link]
Introduction to Australian Wetland Cultures: Thinking About (and With) Swamps, co-authored with Li Chen in J. Ryan and L. Chen (eds.), Australian Wetland Cultures: Swamps and the Environmental Crisis (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), 7–31 [link]
Poet and Swamp: Wetlands in Australian Verse, in J. Ryan and L. Chen (eds.), Australian Wetland Cultures: Swamps and the Environmental Crisis (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), 71–97 [link]
Plant and Swamp: The Biocultural Histories of Five Australian Hydrophytes, in J. Ryan and L. Chen (eds.), Australian Wetland Cultures: Swamps and the Environmental Crisis (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), 99–138 [link]
Where Fanny Balbuk Walked: Re-Imagining Perth’s Wetlands, co-authored with D. Brady & C. Kueh, in J. Ryan and L. Chen (eds.), Australian Wetland Cultures: Swamps and the Environmental Crisis (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), 163–74 [link]
Swamp-philia and Paludal Heroism: The Passion of Wetlands Conservationists in Australia and Elsewhere, co-authored with Li Chen in J. Ryan and L. Chen (eds.), Australian Wetland Cultures: Swamps and the Environmental Crisis (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), 195–223 [link]
‘No More Boomerang’: Environment and Technology in Contemporary Aboriginal Australian Poetry, in I. Campos (ed.), Ecopoetics and the Global Landscape: Critical Essays (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), 3–33 [link]
Introducing Forest Family, co-authored with R. Giblett in J. Ryan & R. Giblett (eds), Forest Family: Australian Culture, Art, and Trees (Brill, Leiden), 1–8 [link]
From Understory to Overstory: Critical Studies of Old-Growth Trees and Forests in J. Ryan & R. Giblett (eds), Forest Family: Australian Culture, Art, and Trees (Brill, Leiden), 11–26 [link]
Forest Giants: Locating Southwest Australian Old-Growth Country in J. Ryan & R. Giblett (eds), Forest Family: Australian Culture, Art, and Trees (Brill, Leiden), 27–43 [link]
From Burls to Blockades: Artistic Interpretations of Karri Trees and Forests, in J. Ryan & R. Giblett (eds), Forest Family: Australian Culture, Art, and Trees (Brill, Leiden), 93–122 [link]
The Sweetness of Flowers in the Air: Literary Ethnobotany and Classical Burmese Poetry, in R.S. Silvest & S. Uddin (eds.), Regional Literature in the Perspectives of World English Literature (Authorspress, New Delhi, India), 29–40 [link]
Imagining Plant-Like Futures? Vegetal Intelligence in Brian Aldiss’ Hothouse, in R.S. Silvest & S. Uddin (eds.), Regional Literature in the Perspectives of World English Literature (Authorspress, New Delhi, India), 67–75 [link]
An Introduction to Southeast Asian Ecocriticism, in J. Ryan (ed.), Southeast Asian Ecocriticism: Theories, Practices, Prospects (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), 1–36 [link]
From Padauk to Hyacinth: Literary Botany, the Agency of Plants, and the Contemporary Poetry of Myanmar, in J. Ryan (ed.), Southeast Asian Ecocriticism: Theories, Practices, Prospects (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), 179–203 [link]
Sowing Seeds: Phytocriticism and the Botanical Dimensions of Indonesian Literature for Children and Young Adults, co-authored with R. Li, in J. Ryan (ed.), Southeast Asian Ecocriticism: Theories, Practices, Prospects (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), 229–251 [link]
Epilogue: Ziggy Stardust and the Irrawaddy Dolphin: Prospects for a Transboundary Ecocriticism in Southeast Asia, in J. Ryan (ed.), Southeast Asian Ecocriticism: Theories, Practices, Prospects (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), 293–302 [link]
Introduction, in M. Gagliano, J. Ryan, & P. Vieira (eds), The Language of Plants: Science, Philosophy, Literature (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press), vii–xxxiii [link]
In the Key of Green? The Silent Voices of Plants in Poetry, in M. Gagliano, J. Ryan, & P. Vieira (eds), The Language of Plants: Science, Philosophy, Literature (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press), 273–296 [link]
Where Have All the Boronia Gone? A Posthumanist Model of Environmental Mourning, in A.C. Willox & A. Cunsolo (eds), Mourning Nature: Hope at the Heart of Ecological Loss and Grief (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal), 117–143 [link]
Botanical Memory: Materiality, Affect, and Western Australian Plant Life, in J. Damousi & P. Hamilton (eds), A Cultural History of Sound, Memory, and the Senses (Routledge, New York), 212–230 [link]
Introduction, in P. Vieira, M. Gagliano, & J. Ryan (eds.), The Green Thread: Dialogues with the Vegetal World (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), ix–xxvii [link]
Tolkien’s Sonic Trees and Perfumed Herbs: Plant Intelligence in Middle-earth, in P. Vieira, M. Gagliano & J. Ryan (eds), The Green Thread: Dialogues with the Vegetal World (Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD), 37–58 [link]
Coming Back to Life: A Literary History of Resurrection Plants, in Wiyatmi, E. Liliani, & D. Budiyanto (eds), Sastra Hijau Dalam Berbagai Media (Interlude Publishing, Yogyakarta, Indonesia), 8–31 [link]
Reading for Sustainability through Botanical Aesthetics: Embodied Perceptions of Perth’s Flora, 1829 to 1929, in C. Crouch, N. Kaye, & J. Crouch (eds.), An Introduction to Sustainability and Aesthetics: The Arts and Design for the Environment (BrownWalker Press, Boca Raton, FL), 193–202 [link]

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